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Linear motion modules ETH22M - Toyo Robot

Giá gốc Giá bán: 0₫

Ball Screw Lead5/10/20/40(mm)
Maximum Speed200/400/800/1600(mm/s)
Maximum Payload (Horizontal)130/130/85/43(kg)
Maximum Payload (Vertical)50/40/25/12(kg)
Rated Thrust2563/1281/640/320(N)
Stroke/Pitch 800-2400 / 50 mm pitch

*When the stroke is over 1600mm, the run-out of the ball screw will occur .We recommend to low down the working speed under this circumstances.
*Acceleration and deacceleration value is set 0.2 second.
*Motor maximum speed: 2400 RPM

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